Monday, May 29, 2017

It's All About Science!

We have been very busy during the past few weeks. During the month of May we have learned about Day and Night, nocturnal and diurnal animals, as well as plants and what they need in order to grow.

 We started May by learning about day and night and why we have daytime and night time. The students learned that while the Earth is rotating around the sun it is also slowly spinning. For part of the day,where we live is facing the sun, giving us daytime, and for the other part of the day, where we live is not facing the sun, giving us darkness. They thought this was really interesting and enjoyed using the globe to demonstrate.

Next, we talked about activities that we can do during the daytime and/or nighttime.

Talking about what we can do during the daytime and nighttime, led to a lesson on what animals do during the daytime and nighttime. We learned about nocturnal and diurnal animals.

When this unit was finished, we started our unit on plants.  This tied in nicely with our reading unit on Jack and the Beanstalk.

First, we learned what plants need in order to survive and about the parts of the plant. The students made their own diagrams.

Next, we planted bean seeds and made a castle in the clouds for our bean stalk to reach as it grows.

Our bean plants grew very quickly in our sunny window and within a week most had reached the castle.

Another activity to help us learn about plants, was sequencing the cycle of a sunflower.

During this time, we also had the opportunity to help plant in our school garden in the courtyard.

May was a busy and fun-filled month for us in K-O.

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