Tuesday, May 17, 2016


For three Fridays before April vacation our class learned about blindness and visual impairments through the D.A.S.H (Disability Awareness Starts Here) program. Through a variety of activities they learned what it is like for a person who is visually impaired to navigate the world around them. 
On the first day, the students learned about the eye. 
They also participated in a blindfold activity where they had to reach into a bag, pull out a common household item, and then try to identify it. Discussed were the challenges of identifying similar shaped items, like tuna and cat food.

In the second session, the students participated in two activities. Each student was paired with a partner who was their sighted guide. The guide, guided them down the hallway, ensuring they didn't bump into anything and then guided them at a "restaurant". At the :restaurant", the guide, guided them in pouring water and eating jello. This was quite an activity in trust and all of the guides did an amazing job helping their partners.

During the third D.A.S.H session, the students explored and used some of the devices people who are blind/have visual impairments use.

To conclude the D.A.S.H. program, the students had the opportunity to listen to a special visitor discuss what it is like to be blind. Mr. Andrew LaPointe showed the students some of the devices he uses on a daily basis. The students met his guide dog Shubert and asked thoughtful questions. They were a wonderful and attentive audience.
Thank you to all of the volunteers for making this wonderful program happen!
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