Monday, May 30, 2016

Life Cycles & Memorial Day Assembly

Friday was a busy and exciting day! In the morning the second grade students attended a presentation by Hannah from the Museum of Science, all about Life Cycles.

 The students compared the life cycle of a mammal with the life cycle of a reptile. 

We got to meet one of the animals at the Museum of Science, a bearded dragon named Norbert. He is a yellowish-gold color to blend in with the sands in his native home of Australia.

Then, we learned about the life cycle of a frog.  We got to meet another resident of the Museum of Science, a Caatinga Horned Frog.  One of the second graders even got to dress up like a frog, going through metamorphosis. Fun!
These little critters go through quite the change.

Last, we learned about the life cycle of the plant and got to see the largest plant in North America., the Giant Sequoya. The one that Hannah brought was just a little sapling but some of the pictures of the adult trees were amazing. We learned the seeds will only drop after a forest fire and the trees can live to be hundreds of years old. WOW!

What was even more fun was we got to pretend to be a Giant Sequoya growing in the forest.

After learning about life cycles, Hannah tested our knowledge with a What Am I? mystery challenge. She would show us one picture at a time showing each stage and we had to figure out what animal/plant it was. 

We had a great time learning about life cycles!

In the afternoon, we had even more excitement. The entire school participated in a Memorial Day assembly. This assembly was extra special because we had several veterans as special guests. The students did an amazing job and everyone was touched.

Watch our class and Mrs. Kenedy's class recite a Memorial Day poem

Here is a touching video of a song sung by the entire school


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